Elena Mahrt's graphic representation of a bat call:
Jon Perry found this fascinating journalistic piece by a teenager:
"In 1969, a 14-year-old Beatle fanatic named Jerry Levitan snuck into John Lennon's hotel room in Toronto and convinced him to do an interview. 38 years later, Levitan, director Josh Raskin and illustrators James Braithwaite and Alex Kurina have collaborated to create an animated short film using the original interview recording as the soundtrack."
Some fiction mixed in here, but Geoffrey Wallace found this example that mixed music and food preparation:
When working on your research poster, start with these judging criteria in mind. Those should guide your design decisions, based on the content you have to support them.
Here are some helpful poster design sites:
Swarthmore College This site includes a poster gallery on Flickr and various other visual examples, plus numerous handy links. I also like the irreverent voice in which the author writes about the poster sharing process.
University of Buffalo site has many links and a straightforward explanation of the process.
Here are a few recommended by the WSUV Research Showcase site (although I'm not as excited about these):
"Creating Effective Poster Presentations: An Effective Poster." by George Hess, Kathryn Tosney, and Leon Liegel http://www.ncsu.edu/project/posters/NewSite/ A fairly detailed discussion about what a poster is meant to do and how to go about developing one.
"Communicating Your Research and Results Through a Poster Presentation." by Duke University's Visible Thinking http://www.aas.duke.edu/trinity/research/vt/postertips.html An extremely effective discussion about creating posters, with examples and terrific suggestions. Practices what it preaches!
"Creating Posters for Humanities & Social Sciences." by College of Arts and Sciences at Eastern Oregon University http://www.eou.edu/crposter/ Another looks at developing posters, but specifically aimed at humanities and social sciences scholars. Web design is circa 1996.
WSU Vancouver Research Showcase schedule Thursday, April 15
9:00 a.m. - 8:45 p.m.
Highlighting Faculty and Student Research, Scholarship and Artistic Expression All Showcase events are free and open to the public.
9:00am-5:30pm Poster and Exhibit Viewing Firstenburg Student Commons
12:00pm-1:00pm Keynote Address: Terry Oliver “Innovation vs. Insulation—Energy Innovation in the Pacific Northwest” Administration Building, Room 129/130
2:00pm-3:00pm Engineering and Computer Science Open Labs 4:15pm-5:30pm Awards Ceremony and Reception Firstenburg Student Commons The 2010 Chancellor’s Research Excellence Award, Library Research Excellence Award, Best Undergraduate and Best Graduate Student Poster/Display Awards will be announced and recognized.
6:00pm-8:45pm Undergraduate and Graduate Student History Research Oral Presentations Library, Room 240
Here is a link to the eye-opening Wired article about the writer who tried to disappear in today's ultra-connected America: Where is Evan Ratliff?
That piece inspired another set of runners, connected to the release of a new movie, called Repo Men:
"Last week, Wired, Universal Pictures, and Lone Shark Games launched an alternate reality game combined with a manhunt. It’s connected to the upcoming March 19 release of the movie Repo Men. In the futuristic movie, characters who have received replacement organs from “the Union” fall behind on payments have to go on the run from Repo Men. In the new game, four real people have gone on the run, and it is the job of the public to find them. Read More.
On American Idol as participatory culture:
Looking back at Jenkins' chapter on "Buying into American Idol," he doesn't make a specific connection between American Idol and participatory culture, but it does make sense to me, I think, as we talked about it in class. The voting certainly is participation, and by picking the people who advance, the voting certainly gets people involved in the "creation and circulation of new content." So in a broad sense, yes, it is. ... While rereading the AI chapter, I found this interesting paragraph, to further develop some of the discussions we had:
"Here's the paradox: to be desired by the networks is to have your tastes commodified. On the one hand, to be commodified expands a group's cultural visibility. Those groups that have no recognized economic value get ignored. That said, commodification is also a form of exploitation. Those groups that are commodified find themselves targeted more aggressively by marketers and often feel they have lost control over their own culture, since it is mass produced and mass marketed. One cannot help but have conflicted feelings because one doesn't want to go unrepresented, but one doesn't want to be exploited, either."
Let's all just wait until the next class meeting, March 24, to begin experimentation on our research projects. I would like to test the instruments that day, which will give you a chance to refine them, before using them on test subjects. If you think you need to get started before then, to meet your deadlines, then please let me take a look at the instruments you are using via email. That way you can have a sounding board outside of your group to highlight areas of concern.
Professor Sree Sreenivasan (@sreenet) of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and contributing editor at dnainfo.com discusses the impact of new media with Daljit Dhaliwal.
Video from just minutes after the quake, by a former music editor for The Source Magazine and Vibe, Erik Parker, who captured this on an iPhone and uploaded it to YouTube.
More from Parker:
Examples of traditional news operations responded to Haiti, through social media:
Global Voices Online -- "aggregates, curates, and amplifies the global conversation online – shining light on places and people other media often ignore."
Global Voices' coverage of Haiti Global Voices' coverage of Chile
How an iPhone helped to save this American filmmaker's life:
From the March 3 Washington Post:
"Authorities said hundreds of people are feared to have drowned. All told, the death toll in the quake stands at 795, with about 2 million people left homeless. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton arrived in Santiago on Tuesday bearing satellite phones and the promise of extensive additional assistance."
From the Feb. 27 Huffington Post:
"The U.S. Geological Survey says eight Haitian cities and towns – including this capital of 3 million – suffered "violent" to "extreme" shaking in last month's 7-magnitude quake, which Haiti's government estimates killed some 220,000 people. Chile's death toll was in the hundreds. By contrast, no Chilean urban area suffered more than "severe" shaking – the third most serious level – Saturday in its 8.8-magnitude disaster, by USGS measure. The quake was centered 200 miles (325 kms) away from Chile's capital and largest city, Santiago. In terms of energy released at the epicenter, the Chilean quake was 501 times stronger. But energy dissipates rather quickly as distances grow from epicenters – and the ground beneath Port-au-Prince is less stable by comparison and "shakes like jelly," says University of Miami geologist Tim Dixon."